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Distance treatments are possible from Monday to Friday by appointment, except Thursdays.


Remote treatment : After I have received your payment confirmation, I will contact you by email to make an appointment that is right for both of us. On the agreed date, you lie down relaxed in an undisturbed place and allow the healing energy to flood you. It is advisable to treat yourself to rest after the treatment and not to schedule strenuous appointments afterwards.


Appointments in my practice are possible on Tuesdays from 2pm to 5pm.

(At the moment I only offer remote treatment.)


My hourly rate is sFr. 111.-


-The weekends and evenings belong to my family, thank you for your understanding.


-The client is responsible for the costs of long-distance calls during telephone meetings.


-Since many are facing financial challenges and I want to offer everyone a chance, if you have financial challenges but would like to change your situation, please contact me so that we can find a solution.


-I only treat women in my practice.


-I would like to point out here again very clearly:

that I am a healer and neither a doctor nor naturopath and I do not make diagnoses nor promisees of healing. If I use the word "healing" in any form, it always means the activation of the self-healing powers, never the healing in the medical sense.


-Non of my offered treatments replaces a visit to a doctor or naturopath. It still replaces psychological or psychiatric treatment or the taking of medically prescribed medication, or the continuation of the taking.



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